Secure your future

Master life insurance and personal finances with easy to read articles and step-by-step guides.

Learn about

Life insurance

Life Insurance 101

Understanding the different policies and selecting the right one for you.

Life Insurance Underwriting

Learn how life insurance companies evaluate risk in insuring an individual or an entity.

Life Insurance Medical Exams

Learn how life insurance medical exams work and how to prepare for your exam.

Dark Side of Index Universal (IUL) Plans

Universal Index Life (IUL) plans are popular and profitable for agents and companies. But are they beneficial for you?

How Life Insurance can be used

Life Insurance Use Cases

Key Man Insurance

Insurance taken out on the life of a key person in a business to provide financial protection in the event of their death.

Estate Planning

Life insurance used as a tool to help ensure that an individual's estate is distributed according to their wishes, and to help cover any estate taxes that may be owed.

Mortgage Protection

Life insurance taken out to pay off a mortgage in the event of the borrower's death.

Long-Term Care Coverage

Life insurance policies that offer both death benefit protection and long-term care coverage, allowing policyholders to use the death benefit to pay for long-term care expenses if needed.

Retirement Planning

Life insurance used as a source of retirement income or as a means to provide a legacy to beneficiaries.

Critical Illness Coverage

Life insurance that provides a lump-sum payment in the event the policyholder is diagnosed with a covered critical illness, such as cancer or heart disease.

Disability Income Coverage

Life insurance that provides a replacement income in the event of a disability that prevents the policyholder from working.

Wealth Transfer

Life insurance used to transfer wealth to future generations or to minimize the impact of estate taxes.

Income Replacement

Life insurance used to replace lost income in the event of the death of the primary breadwinner.

Charitable Giving

Life insurance used to make a charitable donation, either by designating a charity as the beneficiary of the policy or by donating the policy to a charity while the individual is still alive.

Buy-Sell Agreement Funding

Life insurance used to fund a buy-sell agreement between business partners, ensuring the continuation of the business in case of the death of one of the partners.

Business Succession Planning

Life insurance used to transfer ownership and control of a business to a designated successor in the event of the death of a key person.

Final Expense Coverage

Life insurance taken out to cover end-of-life expenses, such as funeral costs.

College Funding

Life insurance used as a savings vehicle to help pay for a child's future college expenses. This can be achieved through a cash value life insurance policy, where the policyholder can build up a tax-deferred savings account over time, or through a policy that specifically targets college funding, such as a "529" plan. In either case, the death benefit from the policy can be used to pay for college expenses tax-free.


Reena Gill


Illuminating your path to make informed financial decisions

In a world brimming with complex financial terms and convoluted life insurance policies, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed, lost, and even at risk of being taken advantage of.

When you’re not fully aware of exactly what you’re buying and the agents selling policies don’t fully understand what they’re selling – you’re likely not getting what’s promised.

The agent will still get their commission and the company gets their monthly premiums but you get the short end of the stick with a bad policy.

I created to be a lighthouse in the stormy sea of insurance plans and fiscal worries, a guiding beacon illuminating your path towards informed decisions and secure finances.